
I'm a rising fifth-year Ph.D. candidate at Johns Hopkins University studying the neural correlates of attention and memory using behavioral and physiological methods.

My current project focuses on investigating the neural correlates of target enhancement and distractor suppression using individual differences measures.

After my Ph.D., I plan to attain a post doc and compete for a faculty position at a research university.



Psychological and Brain Sciences
Advisors: Dr. Susan Courtney & Dr. Howard Egeth
Johns Hopkins University
2020 – present

Master of Arts

Psychological and Brain Sciences
Advisors: Dr. Susan Courtney & Dr. Howard Egeth
Johns Hopkins University
2020 – 2022

Bachelor of Sciences

Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
University of California, Davis
2014 – 2018


Khodayari, N., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (under review) Not Simply Two Sides of the Same Coin: Target Enhancement and Distractor Suppression Draw on Independent Neural Mechanisms.
Trammel, T., Khodayari, N., Traxler, M. J., Luck, S., Swaab, Y. T., (in progress). Decoding Semantic Content from EEG.
Trammel, T., Khodayari, N., Traxler, M. J., Luck, S., Swaab, Y. T., (2023) Decoding semantic relatedness and prediction from EEG: A classification method comparison. NeuroImage, 120268. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120268
Noah S., Powell T., Khodayari, N., Olivan D., Ding M., Mangun G. R., (2020) Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Control for Objects: Decoding EEG Alpha when Anticipating Faces, Scenes, and Tools. Journal of Neuroscience 40(25) 4913-4924. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2685-19.2020
Bengson, J. J., Liu, Y., Khodayari, N., & Mangun, G. R., (2020) Gating by inhibition during top-down control of willed attention. Cognitive Neuroscience, 11(1-2), 60–70. https://doi.org/10.1080/17588928.2019.1648405


Khodayari, N.*, Patterson, A., Li, A., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (2024) Explicit Cueing Effects on Attention are Stable Across Days; Experience-Based Effects Are Not. Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference.
Khodayari, N.*, Allen, N.*, Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (2024) Online vs. In-Person: Environment Familiarity Affects Experience-Based and Task-Related Selective Attention Differently. Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference. *shared co-authorship.
Khodayari, N., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (2023) Evidence for Separable Mechanisms Underlying Enhancement Versus Suppression Using Individual Differences. Society for Neuroscience conference.
Khodayari, N., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (2023) Reliability of Individual Differences Measures of Target Enhancement and Distractor Suppression. Vision Science Society conference.
Khodayari, N., Egeth, E. H., Courtney, S. M. (2022) Reliability of Individual Differences Measures of Target Enhancement and Distractor Suppression. Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference.
Trammel, T., Khodayari, N., Traxler, M. J., Swaab, Y. T. (2022) Comparing support vector machines, discriminant function analysis, and random forest for classifying semantic prediction. Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference.
Trammel, T., Khodayari, N., Traxler, M. J., Swaab, Y. T. (2020) Decoding Semantic Content from EEG. Cognitive Neuroscience Society virtual conference.
Noah S., Powell T., Khodayari, N., Olivan D., Ding M., Mangun G. R. (2020) Neural Mechanisms of Attention to Objects. Cognitive Neuroscience Society virtual conference.
Noah S., Powell T., Khodayari, N., Olivan D., Ding M., Mangun G. R. (2019) Anticipatory object-based attention modulates EEG alpha activity. Vision Science Society conference.
Noah S., Powell T., Khodayari, N., Olivan D., Ding M., Mangun G. R. (2019) Object-based attention modulates EEG alpha activity. Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference.
Noah S., Powell T., Khodayari, N., Olivan D., Mangun G. R. (2018) Object attention modulates alpha band activity. Annual Mind and Brain Poster Day, Center for Mind and Brain, UC Davis.


FoVea Travel and Networking Award 2023
Walter L. Clark Teaching Award - Johns Hopkins University 2023



AS.200.137 Eletrophysiology (EEG) Methods in Laboratory Research - Johns Hopkins University Intersession 2024
AS.200.137 Methods in Laboratory Research - Johns Hopkins University Intersession 2023
PSC 182 Methods in Laboratory Research - UC Davis Spring 2023

Teaching Assistant

AS.200.133 Introduction to Social Psychology - Johns Hopkins University Spring 2023
AS.200.200 Research Methods in Psychology (Advanced TAship) - Johns Hopkins University Fall 2022
AS.200.344 Behavioral Endocrinology - Johns Hopkins University Spring 2022
AS.200.380 Neurobiology of Human Cognition - Johns Hopkins University Fall 2021


Email: nkhodayari [at] jhu (dot) edu

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